Out of stock or discontinued soundtrack CDs: Babylon V The Lost Tales (TV) (2007) Babylon V The Lost Tales (TV) Varese Sarabande 302 066 829 What the Bleep Do We Know? (2006) What the Bleep Do We Know? The Music Force TMF 1301 The Calling (2000) The Calling edel E.A.R. 121572ERE Babylon 5 (TV) Thirdspace (1998) Babylon 5 (TV) Thirdspace Sonic Images SID 8900 Babylon 5 (TV) Volume 2 Messages from Earth (1997) Babylon 5 (TV) Volume 2 Messages from Earth Sonic Images SID 6602 Tenchi the Movie (1996) Tenchi the Movie Pioneer PIO CD 5176 Babylon 5 (TV) (1995) Babylon 5 (TV) Sonic Images SI 8502 Night of the Running Man (1995) Night of the Running Man Super Tracks STCD 500 Universal Soldier (1992) Universal Soldier Varese Sarabande VSD 5373 Raven (TV) (1992) Raven (TV) Sonic Images SICD 8112 Christopher Franke - Music for Films Vol. 1 Christopher Franke - Music for Films Vol. 1 Varese Sarabande VSD 5393 Best of Babylon 5 (TV) Best of Babylon 5 (TV) Sonic Images 8931 Christopher Franke New Music for Films Vol. 1 Christopher Franke New Music for Films Vol. 1 Sonic Images SID 6509 Christopher Franke New Music for Films Vol. 2 Christopher Franke New Music for Films Vol. 2 Sonic Images SID 4906 Universal Soldiers Universal Soldiers Silva Screen SIL 5107 Prime Time (TV) Prime Time (TV) Sonic Images SID 8922