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Star Trek movies scores... (Page 1)
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Topic: Star Trek movies scores...
Standard Userer
Of all the Star Trek movie scores...ST 1 to 6, ST: Generation, First Contact and Insurrection, which one is your absolute favourite?Mine is Cliff Eidelman's ST: VI. The darkness of the score kept coming back to me and making me play the disc over and over again...
The first three movies have scores that are too 'bright' for me. ST: V Final Frontier movie sucked with only the score carrying it along till the end. Generations have music that sounded to similar to the tv series. First Contact had a too 'action' score. Insurrection is just plain slow.
NP: Star Trek VI: Undiscovered Country (Cliff Eidelman)
posted 04-22-2000 02:31 AM PT (US) Bel366
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I would have to say Goldsmith's work for STAR TREK: TMP was my personal fave. The main theme, the Klingon theme, Ilia's theme, "Spock Walk," etc., etc. There are just too many great moments in that score.A close second is Horner's work for WRATH OF KHAN (my personal favorite movie of the series), especially "Battle in the Mutara Nebula" and "Genesis Countdown."
posted 04-22-2000 05:46 AM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Standard Userer
1) Star Trek TMP
2) Star Trek VI
3) Star Trek IIThe Khan score is much better in the film than on CD. I an way, Horner succeded best in giving the movies the "original" feeling.
But I like them all. I don't have #3 and #4 on CD, but what I have on the Star Trek: The Astral Symphony CD is good. As everybody knows, I love Rosenman's LOTR anyway, and ST4 is quite similar.
#9 is not very innovative, quite repetitive and in fact one of the themes is way too similar to Capricorn One, but when listening to it once in a while, it's surprisingly good. And I LOVE the track "Children's Story"!
#5 is my least favourite from the ST CDs I own. Maybe it would be better if there was a complete release.
posted 04-22-2000 06:25 AM PT (US) sakman
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Not having been a Star Trek fan, I was dragged to see ST VI. For some reason, I finally "got into" this.ST VI was the first ST score I owned. I would have to say that ST:TMP is a "better" score. I have all but ST:III and Generations.
I liked Insurrection, and find some of it quite lovely. First Contact is pretty good too. Recently picked up Rosenman's score for ST IV and it is good, but a frustrating release with sound that is not all that great.
posted 04-22-2000 07:41 AM PT (US) Kevin
Standard Userer
I'd have to say ST:TMP is my favorite.Trek 2 and 3 basically go together, as 3 is a continuation of 2 (and therefore the music).
I really like ST:VI, and what Goldsmith did for 8 and 9.
I think my least favorites are 4 (Rosenmann) and 7 (McCarthy).
(Trek fan from waaay back in the 60's.)NP - Much Ado About Nothing (Doyle)
posted 04-22-2000 10:32 AM PT (US) Dr.Evil
Well, sorry for this, but for me Star Trek VI is the worst of all, even worst than the terrible ST IV.I'm still the obvious STTMP comes first, and then Horner's great Khan score.
The rest is just ok.
posted 04-22-2000 10:58 AM PT (US) Chase&August
posted 04-22-2000 11:40 AM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Standard Userer
You know, #7 is quite strange. I used to rate it as really quite bad, but in fact it does work well in the movie. Last time I saw it, I thought the score isn't that bad after all... Still, I prefer all of the others.
posted 04-22-2000 02:46 PM PT (US) JJH
Standard Userer
yeah, McCarthy's work on Generation is underrated. Still, the quality of the music just doesn't seem to be the same as those other scores. I like it though.I rate the scores:
1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 3, 7, 9, 4posted 04-22-2000 03:49 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Standard Userer
Oh, c'mon! I love "Checkov's Run"!NP: Le Sacre du printemps (Stravinsky; Berliner Philharmoniker/Karajan)
posted 04-22-2000 04:50 PM PT (US) Jeron
Standard Userer
People underrate McCarthy's work because they don't understand *where* he was coming from. They don't understand his music. This frustrates me *a lot* because many people label Generations as the worst Trek score. Generations was his ultimate Star Trek masterpiece in terms of unleashing everything he had. Guys, he was the television show's main composer. He did a terrific job on the show (along with Ron Jones, who is probably better in some instances). I admire the crew for offering the job to McCarthy... I think it was probably more of a favor/reward/farewell for his many years of dedication and hard work.When I think about Star Trek music, there are two categories: TV and Film. Both are EXTREMELY different. They tried to bridge that gap by having Dennis score Generations... and while the music worked VERY well in the film, I can see why some may not find it that great. Of course, whenever I put in the disc, I love every second of it.
[This message has been edited by Jeron (edited 22 April 2000).]
posted 04-22-2000 05:02 PM PT (US) sabbey
Standard Userer
I love all the scores equally. However if I were forced to choose. I'd have to say either Star Trek: TMP or Star Trek II.Regards,
Sean Robert Abbeyposted 04-22-2000 07:15 PM PT (US) JJH
Standard Userer
there's a little snippet of music I wish the score CD had included, instead of goofy sound effects.It's that little bit in the transition near the beginning of the filn, from the "past" to the scene on the water when they're decorating Worf (Wharf?) for something.
NP -- My Delerue compilation, finishing with 'Libera Me' from Black Robe -- I still can;t believe I left off the Dorothy & Ben track from Amazing Stories, oh well....
posted 04-22-2000 09:39 PM PT (US) Jeron
Standard Userer
Oh yeah... JJH, I remember that music. I wish they had included that, too.
posted 04-22-2000 10:34 PM PT (US) Audacity
Standard Userer
My favorite is First Contact followed closely by Undiscovered Country.Rosenman should not have been allowed to score a Star Trek movie.
posted 04-23-2000 11:12 AM PT (US) Rang
Standard Userer
* Rating TMP by the original album, since I haven't heard the expanded edition. I don't want pay over $20 for two CDs when I'm only interested in the score.
* Honestly, KHAN and TMP are so close, rating them could be considered irrelevant.
* I've never cared for the album presentation of FRONTIER, though it works very well in the film.
* Rosenman's score is underrated, but I do think it works better on album than in the film.
* Both INSURRECTION and FIRST CONTACT sport lovely themes, but mostly forgettable underscore, in particular FIRST CONTACT.In the Film...
9) THE VOYAGE HOMEposted 04-23-2000 11:42 AM PT (US) Andrew Drannon
Standard Userer
Star Trek - besides Star Wars, one of the best series in film scoring history. My ratings are for the album versions:1. The Motion Picture - unequaled before or since. One of my favorite scores of all time and unquestionably Goldsmith's best work, especially the V'Ger material.
2. The Wrath of Khan - the best score of James Horner's career. Action cues that simply defy description. An end credits suite worthy of any classical composer.
3. The Final Frontier - an awesome Goldsmith action score marred by a mediocre album presentation. I mean, what's with this? LOUD! soft! LOUD! soft! MAIN THEME! KLINGON THEME! god theme! MAIN! god! KLINGON! OSTINATO! HORRID SONG! ...album's over.
Bring on the expanded edition!4. The Undiscovered Country - What an awesome debut for Cliff Eidelman! Great choral moments, apocalyptic action cues, the darkest Trek material ever, what more could you want?
5. The Search for Spock - worth it for one track - the spectacular 8 minute Stealing the Enterprise, a highlight of Horner's career.
6. First Contact - great theme, intelligent action cues, although parts tend to drag a little.
7. Insurrection - nice theme, serviceable action cues.
8. Generations - I'm sorry, but the subdued television sound simply doesn't translate to the big screen. It has a few good moments, such as the destruction of the Enterprise, but most of the rest of boring underscore.
9. The Voyage Home - Don't get me started. I love Rosenman's Lord of the Rings, but this piece of manure isn't worth the $5 I paid for it.
posted 04-23-2000 12:57 PM PT (US) H Rocco
Standard Userer
Hmm, this one again. My list of favorite scores from the film series, in order:THE MOTION PICTURE (a masterpiece)
THE WRATH OF KHAN (I sat upright in the theater, particularly during Khan's first attack on the Enterprise, wondering who the hell James Horner was)
THE FINAL FRONTIER (I can scarcely describe how thrilling it was to hear Goldsmith back on this franchise)
FIRST CONTACT (I can scarcely describe how thrilling it was to hear Goldsmith back on this franchise)
THE SEARCH FOR SPOCK ("Stealing The Enterprise" is excellent, and I liked the Klingon bits, but also the more ruminative pieces ... an early signal of the kind of music Horner would eventually prefer to write, but it felt fresh at this time)
GENERATIONS (very nice work by Dennis McCarthy for a strange and digressive movie)
INSURRECTION (Goldsmith stumbling a bit, seeming sort of bored -- as I certainly was with the movie as a whole, a real disappointment in the wake of FIRST CONTACT, and my least favorite of all TREK movies)
THE VOYAGE HOME (a couple of nice bits, even if the main title is recycled from LORD OF THE RINGS -- I was amazed that this one got an Oscar nomination)
THE UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY (dark and tedious, the only one of the bunch I never care to own, but Eidelman did exactly what the director wanted. Besides INSURRECTION, this is the only TREK movie I haven't seen more than once.)
posted 04-23-2000 02:51 PM PT (US) Mark Olivarez
Standard Userer
GENERATIONS could have used some more music ON THE CD, especially the scene where Riker and Worf beam over to save Data and Geordi and Soran escapes with the help of the Klingons and the scene where we first see the Next Generation cast on the holo-deck. V could also use some extra music, mainly the scene where Kirk and crew take off from the camp grounds and approach the Enterprise, Sybock's invasion of Paradise City and the music while the Enterprise is docked in the station, also the scene just before the main credits start.[This message has been edited by Mark Olivarez (edited 24 April 2000).]
posted 04-23-2000 06:14 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Standard Userer
And, not to forget, they commited the horrible crime of leaving out Horner's tear-jerking Amazing Grace variation from Khan.NP: Nothing, going to bed.
posted 04-23-2000 06:19 PM PT (US) Mark Olivarez
Standard Userer
Ahhh yes I forgot that, ST III could use about 30 mins of unreleased music as well.
posted 04-23-2000 06:42 PM PT (US) Ford A. Thaxton
Standard Userer
GENERATIONS could have used some more music, especially the scene where Riker and Worf beam over to save Data and Geordi and Soran escapes with the help of the Klingons and the scene where we first see the Next Generation cast on the holo-deck.>>>
Huh?Both of those scenes are SCORED (rather well IMHO) if you have any doubts go look for yourself.
Ford A. Thaxtonposted 04-23-2000 08:02 PM PT (US) Jeron
Standard Userer
Ford, I think he was referring to the cd release... how it is missing some rather good sequences.Jeron
posted 04-23-2000 08:34 PM PT (US) H Rocco
Standard Userer
Marian,I wonder whether it was Horner's idea to leave "Amazing Grace" off the album of WRATH OF KHAN -- he didn't want to put it in the score to begin with, it was at the insistence of producer Harve Bennett, who had a deep sentimental attachment to the tune.
NP: nothing, I can't figure out how the DVD fuction of the IMac is supposed to work. I wanted to play the complete ALIEN, the first one I've rented. Maybe the last one as well! if I don't get it nailed down!
(sigh) I need some tunes, so in goes -- URBAN LEGEND (Christopher Young, promo version)
posted 04-23-2000 09:03 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Standard Userer
Originally posted by H Rocco:
I wonder whether it was Horner's idea to leave "Amazing Grace" off the album of WRATH OF KHAN -- he didn't want to put it in the score to begin with, it was at the insistence of producer Harve Bennett, who had a deep sentimental attachment to the tune.Now THAT's hard to believe! We're talking about HORNER, right!?
posted 04-24-2000 04:54 AM PT (US) Exarkun
Standard Userer
Well, it's still Star Trek VI for me.How can anyone say it's the worst??
posted 04-24-2000 06:17 AM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Standard Userer
Right. Although the main theme is simply Stravinksy's Firebird played backwards, it's still my 2nd-favourite Trek score.NP: Symphony #3 (James Ho...err...Robert Schumann)
posted 04-24-2000 06:48 AM PT (US) DANIEL2
I have always been a great fan of the 60’s STAR TREK series, and anticipated the 1979 movie with great keenness. I’m afraid to say I was heartily disappointed by STAR TREK: THE MOTION PICTURE, and no Star Trek project that I have seen since (movie or television) has successfully recaptured the essence of what *I* liked about the original series, if indeed that was the intent of the moviemakers.Now, that’s just my personal opinion, and I’m probably in the minority here, so I won’t dwell on the negative aspects to Star Trek, which after all, only amount to MY own personal opinions.
However, I have seen all of the Star Trek movies, and am familiar with each of the scores. Here are my preferred Star Trek scores, best first. I also rate the movie and then the score based on mlw’s ‘star’ system.
1) STAR TREK: THE MOTION PICTURE movie *1/2 score *****
Despite my disappointment at the movie itself, Goldsmith here created one of my personal top 100 movie scores, and easily my favourite Goldsmith-score. I felt Goldsmith’s music captured the essence of what Star Trek is all about to a far greater degree of success than any other element of the movie. His music was by turns stirring, sublime, majestic, mysterious and beautiful. Mostly, Goldsmith’s music evoked the Star Trek ideal, whilst the rest of the movie failed to capture the flavour of the Trek universe, in my opinion.
2) STAR TREK II: THE WRATH OF KHAN movie **1/2 score ****
A wonderful, and somewhat different follow-up score from Horner. The movie also went some way to recreating the fun attitude of the original series.
3) STAR TREK III: THE SEARCH FOR SPOCK movie *1/2 score ***1/2
Again, exquisite work from Horner, here relying heavily on Prokofiev and others, and the score is all the better for it.
4) STAR TREK V: THE FINAL FRONTIER movie * score ***
Goldsmith returned, armed with his famous TMP themes. Shatner tried with this movie, but ultimately failed, I felt. However, Goldsmith went beyond the call of duty in an attempt to keep the movie afloat.
A worthy score to a good entry in the series.
6) STAR TREK: INSURRECTION movie *** score **1/2
My favourite Star Trek movie, if only because it attempted, with some success, to inject a little more substantial humour into the proceedings. Goldsmith’s score had some memorable highlights, but again he avoids using his wonderful TMP themes with any real conviction, I believe. It really would be nice if he recycled his ‘The Enterprise’ from TMP.
7) STAR TREK IV: THE VOYAGE HOME movie **1/2 score *1/2
A success at the box office.
8) STAR TREK GENERATIONS movie * score *1/2
9) STAR TREK: FIRST CONTACT movie **1/2 score *
A solid movie.
As I say, I am not a great fan of what Star Trek has become, but I recognize the fact that many people are. Please regard my comments as those of a ‘neutral’.
posted 04-24-2000 09:58 AM PT (US) Jeron
Standard Userer
Daniel, I think your opinion is a great one... I definitely respect your stance. Being 18, I'm obviously one of the newer "Trekkies," as yes, I grew up on TOS and the TOS films... but also have come to unconditionally *love* TNG and its spin-offs.I'm glad you mentioned "The Enterprise" cue from TMP... that's one of my all time favorites, and yes... I've waited with much anticipation for Jerry to recycle this music. It's fabulous and would work wonders with the visual capabilities of today. Many people dislike the "fly-by tour" of the new Enterprise in TMP... I for one love it, as it showcases Jerry's music brilliantly. It's by far one of my favorite scenes in the film. And what about the black-screen intro with Ilia's Theme? Wow... when I first saw this (I was really young), I was completely taken by the music. It's 3 entire minutes of purely romantic Goldsmith bliss!
Good to hear from you Daniel!
posted 04-24-2000 11:17 AM PT (US) Hector J. Guzman
Standard Userer
STAR TREK: THE MOTION PICTURE is a great masterpiece! I wish Jerry Goldsmith could write a score like the ones he did in that 79-82 period with all those synths and sounds of that time. I don´t like the new synths. Also Cliff Eidelman´s and Horner´s scores are great. I´ve noticed that people here seem to hate Leonard Rosenman; STIV is the only Rosenman score I´ve ever heard and I think it´s a great piece. McCarthy´s is the worst score of all the Trek movies.NP. Gershwin´s An American in Paris(John Williams/The Boston Pops)
posted 04-24-2000 12:24 PM PT (US) H Rocco
Standard Userer
Hector, if THE VOYAGE HOME is the only Rosenman you've heard, then that's WHY you don't hate him!Seriously, Rosenman is an acquired taste. He's a deeply serious musician, that is manifest from everything he's written, but so much of it is interchangeable. Also he tends towards harsh and atonal soundscapes, which puts a lot of people off. He comes off as arrogant and condescending in many of his interviews, which doesn't help any, although he's supposed to be perfectly pleasant in person. (I wonder if he's just so intelligent and articulate that certain things he says sound better in person than they do on the printed page. I don't even know what his voice sounds like, so who knows. David Raksin is another one who I HAVE met in person, a brilliant, deeply sarcastic fellow, and he'll say the most awful, cutting things in such a flat, neutral tone that you KNOW he's just funning ya.)
Sir, if you enjoyed Rosenman's VOYAGE HOME score, you ought to ADORE his work on LORD OF THE RINGS, available as a gorgeous-sounding CD from Intrada. The main title themes are rather similar. (He seems to have trouble writing melodies, though some have been quite beautiful, e.g. the woefully unreleased CROSS CREEK, another Oscar nominee.)
posted 04-24-2000 12:33 PM PT (US) Jeron
Standard Userer
Oh... very, very good. I'm happy to see there are people out their that enjoy Rosenman's music. I've always loved Star Trek IV, as well. Rocco, thanks for your insight. It was a pleasure to read (as always)!Jeron
[This message has been edited by Jeron (edited 24 April 2000).]
posted 04-24-2000 01:18 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Standard Userer
Originally posted by H Rocco:
Seriously, Rosenman is an acquired taste. He's a deeply serious musician, that is manifest from everything he's written, but so much of it is interchangeable. Also he tends towards harsh and atonal soundscapes, which puts a lot of people off.I'm still surprised that I already liked his LOTR score as a child - at a time when I hated classical music, and would also have hated music like this, but seeing it supporting the movie so perfectly seems to have appealed to me already back then.
Sir, if you enjoyed Rosenman's VOYAGE HOME score, you ought to ADORE his work on LORD OF THE RINGS, available as a gorgeous-sounding CD from Intrada. The main title themes are rather similar.In fact, they both have a short passage which could perfectly combine them, leading from on main theme to the other.
But H is right, Hector: You have to check out LOTR. Arguably one of the very best scores ever composed for a movie.
posted 04-24-2000 03:04 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Jeron:
I'm glad you mentioned "The Enterprise" cue from TMP... that's one of my all time favorites, and yes... I've waited with much anticipation for Jerry to recycle this music. It's fabulous and would work wonders with the visual capabilities of today. Many people dislike the "fly-by tour" of the new Enterprise in TMP... I for one love it, as it showcases Jerry's music brilliantly. It's by far one of my favorite scenes in the film. And what about the black-screen intro with Ilia's Theme? Wow... when I first saw this (I was really young), I was completely taken by the music. It's 3 entire minutes of purely romantic Goldsmith bliss!You know, I was really disappointed when ST8 never cared to "introduce" the new Enterprise E. I had been waiting for something like this, and then - nothing.
posted 04-24-2000 03:06 PM PT (US) Mark Olivarez
Standard Userer
Originally posted by Jeron:
Ford, I think he was referring to the cd release... how it is missing some rather good sequences.Jeron
Yes that is what I was referring to, thanks Jeron.
posted 04-24-2000 03:11 PM PT (US) Hector J. Guzman
Standard Userer
He comes off as arrogant and condescending in many of his interviewsEverytime somebody mentions Rosenman, this comes up. I want to know more about this.
Anyway, I think he's Trek score is good.Why Kes was fired: http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Park/1964/scarytales.htm
NP. THE MUMMY(Jerry Goldmsith)****[This message has been edited by Hector J. Guzman (edited 03 May 2000).]
posted 05-02-2000 06:12 PM PT (US) H Rocco
Standard Userer
Hey, I thought I made it clear. LORD OF THE RINGS is a masterpiece. If you liked STAR TREK IV, you ought to LOVE Leonard Rosenman's CD of LORD OF THE RINGS. No joke. Promise.
posted 05-02-2000 08:13 PM PT (US) Marian Schedenig
Standard Userer
posted 05-03-2000 08:04 AM PT (US) Hector J. Guzman
Standard Userer
Well, I have finally heard Lord of the Rings, it's quite good.So now, where does Nemesis fit in the lists?
NP. "Spirit of Africa" (Jerry Goldsmith)
posted 12-02-2003 11:04 AM PT (US) justin boggan
Standard Userer
I think The Wrath Of Khan and First Contact and The Final Frontier take first place with a three-way tie.
With The Voyage Home, Generations and tieing for second.
posted 12-02-2003 11:19 AM PT (US) Old Infopop Software by UBB